"In order to the force of the Hanan Pacha can exist, its light must first be presented to the puma, who demands the light to begin crawling like a snake above the entire Kay Pacha to wake him up, to give him life. While the universe is born, the first internal pulsations are manifested in the Uku Pacha of each one, allowing us to be the candidates in learning to collect and sculpt that same light, to offer it next to the last beat when we will undertake the trip with the condors and return to the origin."
Uku Pacha means "Inner World". The abysses, caves, lakes, snow-capped mountains and all the elements of nature are gods and have their own names. In everything that exists there is a nucleus, an essence, a heart that is connected inland through doors sculpted over millions of years by the violence of nature.
However, there are other entrances to the Uku Pacha that have been opened by humans in moments due to their cruelty. Places where blood has been shed, such as human offerings during early civilizations, battles for Independence and armed conflicts throughout recent contemporary history.
Within the maelstrom of violence, the territory influences our faith and fervor and thus arises the need to represent the divine through the worship of light, materializing the primeval elements such as fire, earth or water in symbolic and metaphorical images, through which a new territory is accessed, transfigured by its own luminescence.
Uku Pacha significa “Mundo Interior”. Los abismos, las cuevas, los lagos, los nevados y todos los elementos de la naturaleza son dioses y tienen nombres propios. En todo lo que existe hay un núcleo, una esencia, un corazón que se encuentran conectados tierra adentro mediante puertas esculpidas a lo largo de millones de años por la violencia de la naturaleza
Sin embargo, hay otras entradas hacia el Uku Pacha que han sido abiertas por humanos en instantes debido a su crueldad. Lugares donde se ha derramado sangre, como ofrendas humanas durante las primeras civilizaciones, batallas por la Independencia y conflictos armados a lo largo de la reciente historia contemporánea.
Dentro de la vorágine de violencia, el territorio influye en nuestra fe y fervor y así nace la necesidad de representar lo divino mediante la adoración a la luz, materializando los elementos primigenios como el fuego, la tierra o el agua en imágenes simbólicas y metafóricas, por las cuales se accede a un nuevo territorio transfigurado por su propia luminiscencia.