“I found myself in a strange moment of clarity and silence. Amidst the turmoil, my inner strength grew, and the exacerbation of magical thinking, as well as questions about desire, justice, and death.

What will restore the original order of the cosmos, or perhaps the chaos of my own?

I looked to the sky in prayer for an answer.”

The lifetime of a star is measured by the strength of its glow, of its radiance, and of its brightness. A more intense one indicates that it has witnessed all kinds of destruction due to collisions, comets, asteroids, explosions, or the serene passage of water droplets making their way through stones, all of this since immemorial times. It’s like observing the genesis of complex and infinite worlds. Antares is one of the brightest stars in the sky, located in the heart of the Scorpio constellation.

"The Birth of Antares" is a journey through different stages of violence, catharsis, and redemption, inspired by the metaphor of "the brighter a star, the closer it is to its end."

The brighter a star is, the closer it is to its end.